A Composer from the Shetland Isles

Dance of the Trow's (Violin Part)

ID: SM-000492647
Dance of the Trow's (Violin Part)
CompositorAden Smith
EditoraAden Smith
Ano de composição 2020
Gênero Clássico / Peça
chave Mi (E) menor
Instrumentação Violino
Composição paraDueto
Tipo de composiçãoPartes
duração 2'57"
dificuldade Easy
descripção Disclaimer: This is the violin part for the Duet piece. The full score as well as the cello part is also available

This piece is my first violin/cello duet. It's inspired by an idea I had for a story that featured creatures that's famous in Shetland folklore known as Trows. I hope you all enjoy it.
data de postagem 07.05.2020


Sheet music file
2.00 USD
PDF, 196.3 Kb (2 p.)


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